Publications by Topic Area


Malek, M.H., Coburn, J.W., & Marelich, W.D. (2018). Advanced statistics for Kinesiology and Exercise Science: A practical guide to ANOVA and regression analyses. Taylor and Francis.

Marelich, W.D., & Erger, J. (Eds., 2004).  The social psychology of health: Essays and readings.  Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Articles and Monographs:


Schulte, M.T., Marelich, W.D., Payne, D.L., Tarantino, N., Armistead, L.P., & Murphy, D.A. (2018). Validation of a brief measure of HIV health-related anxiety among women living with HIV.  Research in Nursing and Health, 41, 398-407. doi:10.1002/nur.21876

Armistead, L., Goodrum, N., Schulte, M.T., Marelich, W.D., LeCroix, R., & Murphy, D.A. (2018). Does maternal HIV disclosure self-efficacy enhance parent-child relationships and child adjustment?  AIDS and Behavior. Advance online publication. doi:10.1007/s10461-018-2042-4

Schulte, M.T., Armistead, L., Marelich, W.D., Payne, D.L., Goodrum, N.M., & Murphy, D.A. (2017). Maternal parenting stress and child perception of family functioning among families affected by HIV. Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, 28, 784-794. doi:10.1016/j.jana.2017.05.004

Murphy, D.A., Marelich, W.D., Herbeck, D.M., & Cook, M. (2016).  Career readiness and externalizing behaviors of children affected by maternal HIV/AIDS: 15-year outcomes of the PACT study.  Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies: An International Interdisciplinary Journal for Research, Policy and Care, 11, 223-237.  doi:10.1080/17450128.2016.1217113

Murphy, D.A., Armistead, L., Payne, D.L., Marelich, W.D., & Herbeck, D.M. (2016).  Pilot trial of a parenting and self-care intervention for HIV-positive mothers: The IMAGE program.  AIDS Care, 29, 40-48.  doi: 10.1080/09540121.2016.1204416

Murphy, D. A., Armistead, L., Marelich, W. D., & Herbeck, D. M.  (2015). Parenting deficits of mothers living with HIV/AIDS who have young children. Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies: An International Interdisciplinary Journal for Research, Policy and Care, 10, 41-54.  doi:10.1080/17450128.2014.931614

Murphy, D.A., Marelich, W.D., Graham, J., & Payne, D.L. (2015). Children affected by maternal HIV/AIDS: Feasibility and acceptability trial of the Children United with

Buddies (CUB) intervention.  Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 20, 117–133. DOI: 10.1177/1359104513499357

Murphy, D.A., Marelich, W.D., Lanza, H.I., & Herbeck, D.M. (2012).  Effects of maternal HIV on  children's psychosocial adjustment with peers and with their mother. 

Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies, 7, 357-370.  DOI: 10.1080/17450128.2012.708461

Marelich, W.D., Murphy, D.A., Payne, D.L., Herbeck, D.M., & Schuster, M.A. (2012). Self-competence among early and middle adolescents affected by maternal HIV/AIDS.

International Journal of Adolescence and Youth, 17, 21-33.  DOI: 10.1080/02673843.2011.649398

Murphy, D.A., Marelich, W.D., & Herbeck, D.M. (2012).  Impact of maternal HIV health:  A 12-year study of the PACT children.  Journal of Adolescent Health, 51, 313-


Murphy, D.A., Armistead, L., Marelich, W.D., Payne, D.L., & Herbeck, D.M. (2011).  Pilot trial of a disclosure intervention for HIV+ mothers: The TRACK program. 

Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 79, 203-214.  DOI: 10.1037/a0022896

Murphy, D.A., Marelich, W.D., Armistead, L., Herbeck, D.M., & Payne, D.L.  (2010). Anxiety/stress among mothers living with HIV:  Effects on parenting skills and child

outcomes.  AIDS Care, 22, 1449-1458. DOI: 10.1080/09540121.2010.487085

Murphy, D.A., Herbeck, D.M., Marelich, W.D., & Schuster, M.A. (2010).  Predictors of sexual behavior among early and middle adolescents affected by maternal HIV. 

International Journal of Sexual Health, 22, 195-204. DOI: 10.1080/19317611003800614

Murphy, D.A., Marelich, W.D., Herbeck, D.M., & Payne, D.L. (2009).  Family routines and parental monitoring as protective factors among early/middle adolescents

affected by maternal HIV/AIDS.  Child Development, 80, 1676-1691.

Murphy, D.A., Marelich, W.D., & Amaro, H. (2009).  Maternal HIV/AIDS and adolescent depression: A covariance structure analysis of the ‘Parents and Adolescents Coping 

Together’ (PACT) model.  Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies, 4, 67-82.

Murphy, D.A., & Marelich, W.D. (2008).  Resiliency in young children whose mothers are living with HIV/AIDS.  AIDS Care, 20, 284-291.

Strachman, A., Marelich, W.D., Fingerhut, A.W., & Gable, S.L. (2008).  The association between approach and avoidance motivations, HIV testing, and faulty HIV negative

disclosures.  In R.W. Pierce & R.I. Schwartz (Eds.), New perspectives on knowledge, attitudes, and practices in health (pp. 173-186). Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science


Murphy, D.A., Marelich, W.D., Rappaport, N.B., Hoffman, D., & Farthing, C. (2007). Results of an antiretroviral adherence intervention: STAR (Staying healthy:  Taking

Antiretrovirals Regularly).  Journal of the International Association of Physicians in AIDS Care, 6, 113-124. 

Murphy, D.A., Marelich, W.D., Hoffman, D., & Schuster, M. (2006). Parental HIV/AIDS:  A theoretical model of the impact on families in the United States. In D. R.

Crane & E.S. Marshall (Eds.), Handbook of families and health: Interdisciplinary perspectives. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Marelich, W.D., & Clark, T. (2004).  HIV testing and false disclosures in heterosexual college  students.  Journal of American College Health, 53, 109-115.

Murphy, D.A., Marelich, W.D., Hoffman, D., & Steers, W.N. (2004).  Predictors of antiretroviral adherence.  AIDS Care, 16, 471-484.

Marelich, W.D., & Murphy, D.A. (2003).  Effects of empowerment among HIV-positive women on the patient-provider relationship.  AIDS Care, 15, 475-481.

Murphy, D. A., Rotheram-Borus, M.J., & Marelich, W.D. (2003).  Factor structure of a coping scale across two samples.  Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 33, 627-


Grusky, O., Marelich, W.D., Erger, J., Mann, T., Roberts, K.J., Steers, W.N., & Damesyn, M. (2003). Evaluation of a brief low-cost intervention to improve

antiretroviral treatment decisions.  AIDS Care, 15, 681-687.

Marelich, W.D., Johnston Roberts, K., Murphy, D.A., & Callari, T. (2002). HIV/AIDS patient involvement in antiretroviral treatment decisions. AIDS Care, 14, 17-26.

Murphy, D.A., Lu, M.C., Martin, D., Hoffman, D., & Marelich, W.D. (2002).  Results of a pilot intervention trial to improve antiretroviral adherence among HIV-positive

patients.  Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, 13, 57-69.

Murphy, D.A., Marelich, W.D., Dello Stritto, M.E., Swendeman, D., & Witkin, A. (2002).  Mothers living with HIV/AIDS: Mental, physical, and family functioning.  AIDS

Care, 14, 633-644.

Murphy, D.A., Marelich, W.D., & Hoffman, D. (2002). A longitudinal study of the impact on young children of maternal HIV serostatus disclosure. Clinical Child

Psychology and Psychiatry, 7, 55-70.

Marelich, W.D., Grusky, O., Erger, J., Mann, T., & Roberts, K.J. (2000). Biomedical markers,  adherence myths, and organizational structure: A two-stage model of HIV

healthcare provider decision making. In J.J. Kronenfeld (Ed.), Research in the Sociology of Health Care (Vol. 17,  pp. 99-117). Stamford, Conn.: JAI Press.


Erger, J., Grusky, O., Mann, T., & Marelich, W. (2000).  HIV healthcare provider-patient interaction: Observations on the process of providing antiretroviral

treatment.  AIDS Patient Care and STDs, 14, 259-268.

Mann, T, Grusky, O., Marelich, W., Erger, J, & Bing, E. (2000).  The implementation of the DHHS guidelines for the use of antiretroviral agents in HIV-infected adults:

A pilot study.  AIDS Care, 12, 187-192.

Murphy, D.A., Roberts, K.J., Martin, D.J., Marelich, W.D., & Hoffman, D.  (2000).  Barriers to antiretroviral adherence among HIV-infected adults.  AIDS Patient Care

and STDs, 14, 47-58.

Rotheram-Borus, M.J., Marelich, W.D., & Srinivasan, S. (1999).  HIV risk among homosexual, bisexual, and heterosexual male and female youths.  Archives of Sexual

Behavior, 28, 159-177.

Wilson, M.J., Marelich, W.D., Lemp, G.F., et al. (1993). HIV-1 seroprevalence among women attending sexually transmitted disease clinics in California. The Western

Journal of Medicine, 158, 40-43.

Singleton, J.A., Marelich, W.D., & Hughes, M.J. (1992).  HIV-1 incidence in Nevada? [Letter to the editor].  The Western Journal of Medicine, 156, 88-89.

Capell, F.J., Vugia, D.J., Mordaunt, V.L., Marelich, W.D., et al. (1992).  Distribution of HIV type 1 infection in childbearing women in California.  American Journal

of Public Health, 82, 254-256.

Romantic Jealousy:

Marelich, W.D., & Holt, T. (2006).  Salvaging the self and romantic jealousy response. In A. P. Prescott (Ed.), The concept of self in psychology (pp. 167-181).  Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers.    Marelich_SalvagingSelf.PDF

Marelich, W.D., Gaines, S.O., & Banzet, M. (2003). Commitment, insecurity, and arousability: Testing a transactional model of jealousy. Representative Research in

Social Psychology, 27, 23-31.

Marelich, W.D. (2002).  Effects of behavior setting, extradyadic behaviors, and interloper characteristics on romantic jealousy.  Social Behavior and Personality, 30,


Marelich, W.D. (1998).  Discerning relationship threat: Toward a sense-making model of romantic jealousy.  Dissertation Abstracts International, 58(11-B), 6281. 

(University Microfilms No. AAM9814016)

Close and Intimate Relationships:

Marelich, W.D., Becker, E.N., Hernandez, B., & Wright, M. (2018).  Sexual regret as a function of dissonance: Preliminary assessment of a cognitive-consistency based sexual regret scale.  In A. M. Columbus (Ed.), Advances in Psychology Research (Vol. 135, pp. 187-204). NY: Nova Science.

Marelich, W. D., Grandfield, E., Graham, J., Warstadt, M., & Rodriguez, A. (2014).  Initial contact on dating websites: Results and strategies from the L.U.R.E.

Project.  Electronic Journal of Human Sexuality, 17.  Retrieved from (Original work presented 2012)

Marelich, W.D., & Graham, J.L. (2013).  Social exchange and social/physical topography of one-night stands in college-age students.  Electronic Journal of Human

Sexuality, 16.  Retrieved from

Marelich, W.D., Shelton, E., & Grandfield, E. (2013).  Correlates and factor replication of the Need for Sexual Intimacy Scale (NSIS).  Electronic Journal of Human

Sexuality, 16.  Retrieved from

Marelich, W.D., & Shelton, E.  (2011).  The NSIS:  Need for sexual intimacy scale. In T.D. Fisher, C.M. Davis, W.L Yarber, & S.L. Davis (Eds.), Handbook of sexually-

related measures (pp. 513-514).  NY: Routledge.

Marelich, W.D., & Slaughter, R. (2011).  The sexual deception scale. In T.D. Fisher, C.M. Davis, W.L Yarber, & S.L. Davis (Eds.), Handbook of sexually-related measures

(pp. 544-546).  NY: Routledge.

Lippa, R.A., Patterson, T.M., & Marelich, W.D. (2010). Looking at and longing for male and female “swimsuit models”:  Men are much more category-specific than women. 

Social Psychological and Personality Science, 1, 238-245.

Marelich, W.D., & Lundquist, J. (2008).  Motivations for sexual intimacy: Development of a needs-based sexual intimacy scale.  International Journal of Sexual Health,

20, 177-186.

Marelich, W.D., Lundquist, J., Painter, K., & Mechanic, M.B. (2008). Sexual deception as a social-exchange process:  Development of a behavior-based sexual deception

scale.  The Journal of Sex Research, 45, 27-35.

Enshere, E.A., Grant-Vallone, E.J., & Marelich, W.D. (2002).  Effects of perceived attitudinal and demographic similarity on proteges’ support and satisfaction gained

from their mentoring relationships.  Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 32, 1407-1430.

Gaines, S. O., Jr., with Bledsoe, K.L., Farris, K. R., Henderson, M.C., Kurland, G., Lara, J.G., Marelich, W.D., Page, M.S., Palucki, L.J., Steers, W.N., & West, A.M.

(1998).  Communication of emotions in friendships.  In P. A. Andersen & L. K. Guerreo (Eds.)  Handbook of communication and emotion: Research, theory, applications,

and contexts (pp. 507-531).  San Diego: Academic Press. [authors 2-10 in alpha order]

Gaines, S.O., Reis, H.T., Summers, S., Rusbult, C. E., Cox, C.L., Wexler, M.O., Marelich, W.D., & Kurland, G. (1997).  Impact of attachment style on reactions to

accommodative dilemmas in close relationships.  Journal of Personal Relationships, 4, 93-113.

Marelich, W.D. (1996, August).  Can we be friends?  HR Focus, 73, 17-18.

Twins Research:

Segal, N.L., Munson, J.E., Marelich, W.D., Goetz, A.T., & McGuire, A.S. (2014). Meeting of minds: Tacit coordination in adolescent and adult twins.  Personality and

Individual Differences, 58, 31-36. DOI: 10.1016/j.paid.2013.09.028  

Segal, N.L., & Marelich, W.D. (2011).  Social closeness and gift giving by twin parents toward nieces and nephews: An update. Personality and Individual Differences,

50, 101-105. DOI: 10.1016/j.paid.2010.09.009

Segal, N.L., Seghers, J.P.,  Marelich, W.D., Mechanic, M.B.,  & Castillo, R.R. (2007).  Social  closeness of monozygotic and dizygotic twin parents toward their nieces

and nephews.  European Journal of Personality, 21, 487-506.

Segal, N.L., Sussman, L.J., Marelich, W.D., Mearns, J., & Blozis, S.A. (2002).  Monozygotic and dizygotic twins’ retrospective and current bereavement-related

behaviors: An evolutionary perspective.  Twin Research, 5, 188-195.

Health Psychology, Medicine:

Marelich,W.D. (2008).  Hormone therapy.  In J.A. O’Brien (Ed.), Encyclopedia of gender and society (Vol. 2, pp. 440-441).  Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. 

Marelich, W.D., & Castro-Schilo, L. (2008). Patient empowerment and health decision-making.  In R.W. Pierce & R.I. Schwartz (Eds.), New perspectives on knowledge,

attitudes, and practices in health (pp. 1-6).  Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers.

Malek, M.H., Berger, D.E., Marelich, W.D., & Coburn, J.W. (2008). On the application of meta-analysis in pectus excavatum research. The American Journal of Cardiology,

101, 415-417.

Malek, M.H., Berger, D.E., Marelich, W.D., Coburn, J.W., Beck, T.W., & Housh, T.J. (2006).  Pulmonary function following surgical repair of pectus excavatum:  A meta-

analysis. European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, 30, 637-643.

Malek, M.H., Berger, D.E., Housh, T.J., Marelich, W.D., Coburn, J.W., & Beck, T.W. (2006). Cardiovascular function following surgical repair of pectus excavatum: A

meta-analysis.  Chest, 130, 506-516.

Marelich, W.D., & Rotheram-Borus, M.J. (1999).  From individual to social change: Current and  future directions of health interventions.  In T.P Gullotta, R.L.

Hampton, G.R. Adams, B.A. Ryan, & R.P. Weissberg (Eds.), Child and family health care: Issues for the year 2000 and beyond (Vol. 12, pp. 169-196).  Thousand Oaks, CA:


Impaired Driving (DUI):

Marelich, W.D., Berger, D.E., & McKenna, R. (2000).  Gender differences in the control of alcohol-impaired driving in California. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 61,


Berger, D. E., & Marelich, W. D. (1997).  Legal and social control of alcohol-impaired driving in California: 1983-1994.  Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 58, 518-523.

Tashima, H.N., & Marelich, W.D. (1989). A comparison of the relative effectiveness of alternative sanctions for DUI offenders: Volume 1 of development of a DUI accident and recidivism tracking system.  California Department of Motor Vehicles, Sacramento, CA.

General Social Psychology:

Marelich, W.D., & Graham, J. (2014).  Cold fusion.  In T.R. Levine & G.J. Golson (Eds.), Encyclopedia of lying and deception (pp. 162-163). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.


Marelich, W.D., & Graham, J. (2014).  Sun Tzu (Art of War).  In T.R. Levine & G.J. Golson (Eds.), Encyclopedia of lying and deception (pp. 875-876). Thousand Oaks, CA:


Marelich, W.D., & Crecilius, E. (2014).  Machavellianism.  In T.R. Levine & G.J. Golson (Eds.), Encyclopedia of lying and deception (pp. 633-635). Thousand Oaks, CA:


Marelich, W.D. (2007).  Cognitive consistency theories.  In R. F. Baumeister & K.D. Vohs (Eds.), Encyclopedia of social psychology.  Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Gaines, S.O., Marelich, W.D., Bledsoe, K.L., Steers, W.N., Henderson, M.C., Granrose, C.S., Barajas, L., Hicks, D., Lynde, M., Takahashi, Y., Yum, N., Rios, D.I.,

Garcia, B.F., Farris, K.R., & Page, M.S. (1997).  Links between race/ethnicity and cultural values as mediated by racial/ethnic identity and moderated by gender. 

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 72, 1460-1476.


Gaines, S. O., Marelich, W. D., Bunce, D., Robertson, T., & Wright, B. (2013).  MEIM expansion:  Measuring racial, religious, and national aspects of ethnic identity

within the United Kingdom.  Identity: An International Journal of Theory and Research, 13, 289-317.


Marelich, W.D., Watanabe, S., Parrott, G. (1991). Simple convergences?  Piagetian theory and its relation to the epistemology of James Mark Baldwin.  Sacramento, CA:

California State University, Department of Psychology. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 334 478)


Quantitative Methods and Psychometrics:

Marelich, W.D. (2010).  Trend analysis.  In N.J. Salkind (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Research Design (pp. 1535-1537).  Thousand Oaks, CA.  Sage.

Marelich, W.D., & Grandfield, B.  (2010).  Polynomials.  In N.J. Salkind (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Research Design (pp. 1048-1049). Thousand Oaks, CA.  Sage.

Murphy, D.A., Marelich, W.D., & Hoffman, D. (2000).  Assessment of anxiety and depression in young children: Support for two separate constructs.  Journal of Clinical

Child Psychology, 29, 383-391.